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Animal Diagnostic Services

At times, your pet’s symptoms may point to a variety of different concerns. At Racine Vet, we offer animal diagnostic services to narrow down how best to treat your pet. We have many pieces of equipment designed to provide the care you deserve for your furry family member. Because your cat or dog can not talk, we have to rely on tests to give us some of the information we need. However, a test is never a replacement for a good physical exam, so we always combine our pet diagnosis with physical exams (and a complete medical history).

Fully Equipped Clinic to Best Serve Your Pet’s Veterinary Needs

Some of the diagnostic services equipment/tests we maintain at our hospitals include:

  • Digital X-rays
  • Digital dental x-rays
  • Blood Chemical Analyzers
  • Urine Analyzers
  • Rapid answer tick tests
  • Rapid answer heartworm tests
  • Fecal Testing
  • Blood pressure
  • Ear mite testing
  • Microscopic evaluations
  • Fine Needle Aspirates

Additionally, we have referral centers and contractors that provide additional testing for our hospital when needed, including:

  • Pathology (microscopic evaluation of tumors/cells)
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Dermatohistopathology
  • Boarded radiologist review of radiographs
  • Ultrasound
  • Ultrasound-guided biopsy
  • Endoscopy